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MB202-P040 AmpFAST 2X PCR SuperMix (5-30 sec/kb; ≤6kb, 1X)
Size 40 rxns
Description AmpFAST 2X PCR SuperMix was premixed with an optimized concentration of AmpFAST Taq DNA Polymerase, dNTPs, Mg2+, and reaction buffer that could be used in extremely fast PCR experiments as well as massive gene detection requirements, which also performs better amplification functions for GC-rich and complicated secondary structures. For shorter sequence or plasmid samples, it is suggested to use 5 sec/kb elongation speed or less circuits to shorten your PCR reacting time. While for longer sequences (≥3 kb) or complicated samples that usually have lesser PCR products, it is suggested to use 15-30 sec/kb elongation speed or more circuits. Meanwhile, an “A” base at the 3’-end of the PCR products amplified by this enzyme can be directly used in TA cloning.
AmpFAST 2X PCR SuperMix (5-30 ...

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