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MB203-P040 AmpHS 2X PCR SuperMix (60 sec/kb; ≤6kb)
Size 40 rxns
Description This product is a ready-to-use, 2x concentrated PCR solution that contains optimized concentrations of AmpHSTaq DNA Polymerase, dNTPs, Mg2+, reaction buffer, and stabilizers. It is designed specifically for hot-start PCR reactions. The AmpHS Taq DNA Polymerase remains inactive at temperatures below 75°C, effectively preventing non-specific amplification due to non-specific binding between primers and templates or primer dimers at room temperature. Enzyme activation requires a 10-minute incubation at 95°C. The reaction system can be prepared at room temperature without ice, making it convenient and user-friendly. As a 2× premixed PCR reaction system, users only need to add DNA templates and primers and then dilute the mixture with water to 1× concentration. This product offers several advantages, including quick and simple operation, high sensitivity, strong specificity, and excellent stability. It minimizes human error, saves time in PCR experimental procedures, reduces contamination risks, and is suitable for large-scale gene detection, rapid clone screening, semi-quantitative PCR experiments, and the detection of trace DNA templates. The PCR products amplified using this solution have a protruding “A” base at the 3′ end, allowing for direct use in TA cloning. This product is available with red dye, you can proceed directly to electrophoresis after PCR without adding a loading buffer; the red dye also indicates the progress of electrophoresis. It can also be purified for subsequent operations such as enzymatic digestion, ligation, and fluorescence sequencing.
AmpHS 2X PCR SuperMix (60 sec/...

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