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Product Name CheKine™ Micro Nitric Oxide (NO) Assay Kit
Catalogue No KTB1400
Applications Notes CheKine™ Micro Nitric Oxide Assay Kit is designed to accurately measure NO production following reduction of nitrate to nitrite by using improved Griess method. The Griess assay’s mechanism is summarized as the azo coupling between diazonium species, which are produced from sulfanilamide with NO2- and naphthylethyl -enediamine, resulting in a colorimetric (540 nm) product proportional to the NO metabolite present.
Kit components • NaNO2 Standard (1M)

• Griess Reagent I

• Griess Reagent II

• VCl3 reagent

• ZnSO4

Features & Benefits  • Determination of Nitric oxide in serum, plasma, cell/tissue samples, urine and other biological fluids.

• Detect biological samples at a level of 1-100 µM.

• Rapid and reliable, Using an optimized VCl3 reagent, the time required for reduction of NO3 – to NO2 – is short.

• Simple and high-throughput, the procedure involves mixing sample with three reagents, incubation and reading the optical density. Can be readily automated to measure thousands of samples per day.

Storage Storage at -20°C and Keep from light immediately upon receipt. Kit has a storage time of 12 months from receipt. Refer to list of materials supplied for storage conditions of individual components.
Shipping Gel pack with blue ice.
Formulations Liquid solution ready to use
Background Nitric oxide (NO) is a reactive radical that plays an important role in many key physiological functions such as neurotransmission, immune response and apoptosis. NO is synthesized from L-arginine by NO synthase (NOS). It has been identified as an endothelial derived relaxation factor (EDRF) and antiplatelet substance. It serves as a neurotransmitter derived from a neutrophil and a cytotoxic substance from an activated macrophage
CheKine™ Micro Nitric Oxide (N...

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