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Product Name CheKine™ Micro Tissue and Blood Alkaline Phosphatase (AKP/ALP) Activity Assay Kit
Catalogue No KTB1700
Applications Notes In an alkaline environment, AKP / ALP catalyzes phthalate disodium to generate free phenol; phenol reacts with 4-aminoantipyrine and potassium ferricyanide to produce a red quinone derivative, which has characteristic light absorption at 510 nm; the absorbance increase rate reflect AKP activity.
Kit components • Extraction Buffer

• Chromogen A

• Chromogen B

• Chromogen C

• Standard

Features & Benefits  • Determination of alkaline phosphatase (AKP/ALP) activity in tissue lysates supernatants, plasma, serum, urine or purified enzyme samples.

• Sample preparation, experimental steps and result calculation are more detailed and accurate.

• Long shelf life.

Storage Storage at 4°C and protected from light upon receipt. Kit has a storage time of 12 months form receipt.
Shipping Gel pack with blue ice.
Formulations Liquid solution ready to use
Background AKP / ALP is a zinc-containing glycoprotease that can hydrolyze various natural and synthetic phospholipid monoester compounds in an alkaline environment. AKP / ALP is widely distributed in various organs of the human body, mainly the liver.
CheKine™ Micro Tissue and Bloo...

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